Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Charmine's Hope

Ok folks, so I decided that it was time to get to work on a bucket list. I know the name is really bothering some of my loved ones, and my apologies- I'm not changing it. I don't look at it like I am dying, just some stuff I want to make sure to do before that time comes. It is my list after all, so I should call it what I like.
  So I got a dog. Not just any dog, but a dog that I have always wanted- a pit bull. I fell in love with a couple of pit bulls when I was 21. I have always wanted one since. Any pittie I have ever met has been  so very sweet. The time was just never right- too busy riding harleys, and not ready for the extra responsibility. Well I met a pouty lipped pittie in Butte a few weeks ago. It's owner reminded me what good therapy dogs were, and then I couldn't get it out of my head. I started searching the net for a rescue dog as soon as I got home. All I knew was I wanted a female with pouty lips, that was old enough to know better, gets  along good with other animals, and preferably purebred.
  About the 4rd day I started getting serious. I found a female in a southern ID shelter. Her ad was basic- 3-5 year old female, American Staffordshire Terrier mix- scheduled to be euthenized on11/6. I emailed them, and went to bed. First thing in the morning, I am back on my search...forgetting about this good looking girl. I was talking to a lady up north, who had a black mix puppy, but I really didn't want a puppy. Hubby reminded me about the girl in southern ID. I called the shelter, and talked to a man who said she was still alive. I reassured me that she was great with cats, dogs and people, but she would be put down on Sunday. This was Thursday. I felt a little nervous, as it felt like he was blowing smoke to get me to come get her. I couldn't understand why they were going to put her down if she was so great. But I couldn't leave her there to die either. So I had my friend call back down there. He talked to a woman, and she gave the same story. She just said that she was an owner drop off, and didn't know why...owner just didn't want her anymore.
   HMMM, still nervous- but she sounded perfect. We decided I would just get in the truck and drive. The shelter would be closed by the time that I got there. They gave me  the animal control officer's cell number, and he would let me into the shelter. So into the truck I went, and I drove 6.5 hours to ID to go get her. We figured if she really wasn't working out- that we would find her a better home. The important part was getting her off death row. I got there a just after 7 pm. Sure enough, the officer and his wife came down to meet me.
   So we go back in the kennels, and everybody is barking...except for the little black girl who's cage we found. Her bowl was empty, and she was more interested in eating the boxer's food in the cage next door. She finally got interested in me, but was quiet while everybody else was barking away. She started pulling as soon as she was out and on her leash. She had to check out the little rat dog in the carrier cage. I  decided on her name while I was waiting for the lady to find a leash. I was hooked already, and I decided right then and there that she was staying with me. I figure she's got a good 12 years left, and I will do the best I can to take care of her. So the deal is this- her name is Hope, and I'm going to out live her! I was also interested in learning about therapy dogs. The lady asked me if she had a name, and I said Hope unless she already had one. Then I explained to her why she was my bucket list dog. By the time I got back inside to sign papers, her husband asked me if she was a bucket list dog. When I said yes, he handed me her papers, her care package...and my $60 adoption fee back. I said my thank yous and boogied out of there before the waterworks started.
  It was a long drive home, but I had my Hope for company! I think it dropped down to 4 degrees at the top of Monida Pass at about 11:30. I stayed awake without any late evening energy drinks. Just meant I got to get to know Hope every time we stopped for pee breaks and walked. Boy she is strong! I am so very happy with her size...any more might be too much work when I am down for the count from chemo. She did pretty good in the truck, though she didn't want to load up on her own. I imagine the last time she got in a rig, she went to the pound. She paced a little bit between the seats, but not bad. She even drug her treat bag up on  the seat. I didn't even know she knew it was there. We made it home at about 2:45 am. I jumped in bed asap, and 2 seconds later- she was on her back, with her head on the pillow like she belonged there. I don't believe beds and couches are new to this one...she got up there like a pro. I had truely forgotten what couch hogs, and awesome snugglers that they are. Just exactly what the doctor would order, I am sure! I am hooked on my new girl, she is just perfect...Charmine's Hope

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