Friday, March 11, 2011

Shrink, shrink, SHRINK!

Hiya all! My chemo appointment went GREAT on Wed. I didn't get the video footage that I was after, as I didn't show Dad how to operate my Bloggie Touch in time. My Onc's face was priceless though. Poor guy, he walks in and is trying to look at my records. I'm like screw those papers, feel this! His face said it all. He didn't even bother with the calipers this time. It now feels pretty close to the original scar tissue. I can still feel my lymph nodes, so I know it's not gone. This is a huge change though, and I love the feel of relief of everyone around me. I needed this so bad. I have tried to stayed so positive, but I also don't want to live in a bubble and have it pop on me suddenly. There is Hope. Maybe I too can be a 40 year survivor after all!
  I only got my Cisplatain chemo on WED, no Gemzar. The Gemzar is the hardest on the blood count. This is the first time in all the chemos, that my blood counts have been low at labs. He says no biggy, we'll go back to normal next week. Sometimes he needs to tweek the doses a bit to keep me well. I was actually pretty surprised to hear low blood count, as I felt great. I always thought the low blood counts made you feel icky.
  So hip hip hurray for me! I am trying to load a video I made to share with you. Not cooperating at this moment, so check back soon to watch, "Waking Up with Hope"

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