Sunday, February 13, 2011

What was I thinking?

So all in all, not doing so bad today. I don't have a lot of energy, I just want to veg. My hands are so dry, tender and sore. My right thumb is the most tender from chemo, and the nail looks funky. I took a big chunk out of it, while packing food processor blades- whoops, I forgot they were sharp and resided in  that  drawer. Didn't help matters any. My mucus membranes are calming down. New issue is my port scar. I started feeling slight pain yesterday or the day before. It looks dry, but infection is starting in the right corner. I clipped a piece of suture that was poking out a couple of weeks  skin, just suture. I can't imagine that would have caused an infection. All I know is it is red, tender and a hole where the suture was. I put some peroxide on it, & will keep neosporin on it. I'm not due back at hospital until the 23rd. So if it doesn't look better tomorrow, I will call doc. I have a feeling between immune system, stress and still smoking...this may need some antibiotics in me. It shouldn't look like this, so why?

OK, Tylenol, my cold tea and some tv, along with a visit with Mary Jane. Hope is snoring away next to me, so we are good to go!

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