Monday, January 17, 2011

Sometimes it's just nice to be a vegetable!

Hi folks, here I am...alive and well. I have spent all of Sat and Sun curled up with my pit bull in bed. Mostly out of desire, but now of course I can't tell if my back hurts from chemo, or too much bed. Sometimes bed is just a nice place. I can't see the mound of papers I need to tackle, the floor that needs to be vacuumed or whatever else unfinished project I have lying around. Bed is just really the only place I know to get peace and quiet when it is dreary out. I tried to explain this to hubby, but he just looked at me with his usual look like he thinks I will now spend the rest of my life in bed. Never really dawns on him that dealing with him is part of the lack of peace!
  So let's see, side affects? A couple of days of heart burn- Zantac 75 clears that up. Some diarrhea, but not enough to take a pill yet. Feeling a bit tired and just not up to par. My back has been bothering me, but I always have a hard time telling if it is due to the bed, versus chemo. I'm thinking it is a little bit of bed too, as it seems like I could feel the bad curve this morning. Haven't felt puky until the cat just puked up her cat food on the snake's hydrometer! Not nausea, but it doesn't take much for me to get queasy.
  So it is now Monday, and I am not in bed. I have a quiet house for the moment. I've walked the dog, and vacuumed. I don't feel too shabby. I'll finish eating this cereal, and get my crud together. Off to Missoula to get more labs drawn. Then again on Wed. and I should be done getting poked for the week. I'm not moving very fast, but I know the longer I wait, the slower I will be moving later!

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