Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wednesday, November 07, 2007 My thoughts today on concrete cutting

Current mood: contemplative

This is bits and pieces from a message I sent to a person on myspace, that is in the concrete cutting business. I ended up writing so long, I figured I better turn it into a blog. I am hoping that someone has something to say to help ease my mind. This business makes for a long night, when it's hard to keep the wheels from spinning at night.

It takes most of our time right now, running our own business. I almost feel bad posting work stuff on his myspace, because that's where he goes to brainlessly surf. As much as I hate what he does some days, I am also extremely proud of his work. He started Topcut Concrete Cutting & Destruction, when he was about 23 years old. He is VERY good at what he does. When he started, there MAY have been only one other cutter locally. If I remember correctly, I believe the man was retiring and selling his business. LA has done nothing but grow since. Today, there are 2 other cutters in town. One does more pouring then cutting I think, and the other is a corporation that moved in. We have many loyal customers, that have stuck with us through thick and thin. Hats off to them, and thank you for your continued know who you are! My husband is as close to Superman as I know, but I have to remind him that he's not, less he really hurts himself! He can out work 3 18 year olds, I've seen him do it. He's got the eye, touch and pride in his work like none I've seen before.

I have learned a ton of new stuff, since we got married almost a year ago. I am still always looking to pick his brain, or someone else's, regarding the business. I drive him nuts, being the bean counter and all! How can we improve, and what is the next step for Topcut? Do we remain in the business, and continue trying to find the right person to learn to cut, so LA can do the management things that he wants to do? It is a very hard and nasty job most of the time. Most people either don't have the stamina, desire, or work ethic required to get the job done. Do we work on growing out of cutting, and into dirtwork, or a transporting company? So many choices, and so much life to live ahead. All I know is eventually, his body will not let him cut anymore. Living life like there is no tomorrow, yet still be able to gracefully move into the next phase is not always as simple as it sounds.

I asked the man I was writing to if he was married, or had a SO when he was working in the field. If so, did she ever see him work? Did she worry about him alot? I was just wondering if he could tell me something different then LA can, to set my mind at ease. When I go work with him, I have a really hard time watching him cut. I want him with me a long time, and it is really hard to watch sometimes. I feel like I'm going to get sick, or break out in tears. I know he knows exactly what he is doing with that saw. I know he knows exactly where his fingers, toes, arms etc are...but shit still happens. I have to fight myself, when I'm holding hoses, to keep watching what he is doing. I get stuck between fear and amazement, when I watch him train somebody new. It never ceases to amaze me the difference between years of experience, and green...just watching how he uses his body. I've taken a crack at it, just so I can see what it's like. If I had never tried it, I might not be so fearful because I might not have as good of an idea of the power. I have a healthy respect for it, but I'd never be any good. I just don't have the strength it takes to control that thing, plus...I'm obviously afraid of the saw. When I work with him, I am much better of doing the other grunt work, instead of holding hoses. My mind is occupied, and I don't have to watch him, if someone else is there. I can grind a pretty curb though, and Betsy the skidsteer is my baby for packing concrete out! Poor thing, she had a couple major issues this summer, and nobody better fuck her up :)

OK, I'm not packing concrete today, we have a new guy on the job...wish us well. I better get back to counting beans for now!

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