Monday, August 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Feeling chipper a week after last A/C treatment

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Feeling chipper a week after last A/C treatment

Current mood: breezy

Alternatively titled- I took a great poop today! LOL, too gross for some, but just my normal these days! Hey, at least I'm not posting a picture for you! So if I feel good today, and things are going well out the other end...that must mean to gargle extra with my salt water. Means it's time for my mouth to be sore, and I noticed I was losing stubs of hair last night. And I don't care...overall I finally feel better.

It was a long haul this time...almost a week of feeling cruddy. It started in the chair this time, with nausea. The soup and sandwich that hubby brought me did not taste good...though I'm sure it was good. And the smell....chemo must heighten one's sense of smell. I'll have to remember to ask. All I could smell was rubbing alcohol, even when it wasn't in use this time. Never bothered me before. Great...just did an experiment and yes, it makes me gag now. I hope that goes away! So we were going to go to J-Paul's and go eat more deep fried turkey after treatment, but we went home. That sucked, as I have been doing pretty good until about Wed. after treatment before I start feeling it. Not this time. Just tired, lethargic and a bit nauseated. I think the worst is I can hear my stomach gurgling at about 5 am, when it's cruddy. I know it's time to go to the potty, and take a diarea pill. Up and down, waking hubby up. Now stomach is hungry, and I know I need to eat. Nothing sounds good, not even coffee. Tea maybe. I got the diarea routine down this time, but it still takes awhile to get it to quiet down. Food is hard to get down, as nothing sounds good...especially in the morning. I do better by afternoon, but then to find something that tastes right. Good thing for our little grocery store in Arlee, because I have been a pain to feed, as I'm never quite sure what is going to work out. I could go grocery shopping 1 day, and it not sound good the next. My body gets a little bit achy, but nothing some ibuprofen won't cure. It feels cruddy, but I'm guessing it's not that bad compared to what others maybe feel...just because I seem to be flying through this. I think the most frustrating for me is I feel bad, but not that bad. I want to get out of bed and do stuff, but then I just don't feel that hot. I feel like I shouldn't be lying in bed if it's not that bad. I've never been one to get sick much, plus I've always had to take care of myself. Pop a cold pill and go to work, the bills have to get paid somehow. So I'm not really used to being babied much. It makes me feel very special and loved though. I know some of this is gross, but don't read it. I want to write it, less I forget it and can't describe it to someone who wants or needs to know.

Onward and forward though...Chemo Doc says we are through the worst. My last 4 are Taxol, and nasea is not supposed to be a side effect. This time body/joint aches are the biggy. He has already sent me home with a script for that, so hopefully that is more controlable then the nausea. I can do this, just 4 left! Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with blogging better these go rounds, as I will have my new lap top in another week. It will be way faster so my patience doesn't run out....and I don't have to sit at this desk if my back is hurting. I will even have more patience for IM'ing and camming! Not kidding...I am sitting with my pet dinosaur here, whom I will not miss! OK, I'm just blabbering now, and avoiding real to y'all later!

I bet this is the last time I get a hangover in awhile!

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