Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, December 28, 2009 Sitting in the chemo chair

Monday, December 28, 2009 Sitting in the chemo chair

Here I am, in the chair again! I got a new laptop, so I can surf away while I am here. I don't think my windows messenger works in here, but the myspace IM looks like it works. The hospital must block certain content on their guest network? I don't know...I'm still new to laptops and networks.

It is 12:40, and I checked in at 10:45. My doc is on vacation, and they only have 2 of 3 chemo sections available. I think people must be out on vacation, so it is taking longer then usual. Looks like my benadryl bag is empty now. LA is hoping it made me sleepy again, but they only gave me a half dose this time, so I probably won't sllep. Much better then the full dose like last time...made me really woosy. So just waiting for my nurse to come start my Taxol. Then just 2 more chemos ro go! Here is Cheryll now with my bag. If I remember right, this drip takes about 2.5 hours. The candy striper ladies just came through offering fresh candy. None of that stale stuff in the jars next to me! They are so funny!

I am alone at the moment. LA escaped for a few, hoping I fall asleep. Is he bringing me a bacon double cheeseburger, or a chicken bake from Costco? It is quiet in here now. There was a gal with a red drip earlier. I always know when it is breast cancer, as those are the only people that get red drips. I didn't get to talk to her, as she was surrounded by famly the whole time. I was curious as to how old she is, as she looks a few younger then me still. I have 2 older men in chairs in my section, but they are pretty quiet LA gave up his chair, so the one man's wife could sit down. All the drips are working...they make me pee alot. The young girl taught me the trick of taking the bag off the hanger, instead of draging the hanger and all around. Dragging the hangermakes me feel like an invalid, so this is better. I feel good, maybe I can feel it a tiny bit in my sinus', but not much. I feel a bit chilly, but not enough to go find a blanket. I'll just be dripping sweat shortly anyways...I'll be pouring sweat out the top of my bald head anytime now! OK, enough for now...maybe I'll come back to this...gotta pee again!
6th chemo treatment

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