Monday, August 23, 2010

Lymph node doctor's visit Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 8:36pm

Thank you all for your kind thoughts...I am so blessed to have such a support crew! I went to see the surgeon yesterday, and he prodded my armpit and said yep I feel a lymph node rolling around. He gave me a quick manual breast exam and nothing weird there. He said it is highly unlikely that it would have jumped from one boob to the other. I am a year out from diagnosis at the end of the month, so he sent me in for a regular mammogram screening, versus a diagnostic mammo. Regular because he did not feel anything unusual, so we got to skip the ultrasound. We'll look farther later if it comes back unusual. I think that one is a no news is good news phone call. As far as the lymph node- I was a bit surprised at his answer, so I learned something new today. I have an appointment on the 11th to see if the swelling of the lymph node goes down. If it does not, he will be removing it so it can be tested. Doc says if it was his lymph node...he wouldn't do it because he has never had cancer. Because we know that I have had cancer- he needs to take it just to make sure. It wasn't registering that the reason why the whole cluster is gone on the other side is because removal is really the only way they have to test these lymph nodes.. At least that was what I understood- did I get it right, anybody know? LOL, first reaction is I don't want him to take it if he doesn't have to. Now I think, What happens if the swelling goes down, it is cancerous....and we don't know for a long time until it swells up again?" I know me bad...I am laughing at myself here folks, really I am! I just try really hard to share every bit of this crazy ride...I never know when I will forget it, and I don't want to lose it in case someone comes along who really needs it. So now we play the waiting game, ughhh. Oh well, I can do it...I feel much better now that I have done all I can for the moment. I am wondering if it is worth a visit to a naturalpath, to see if my lymphatic system needs cleaned out. Anybody know anything about this subject? If it really works, might be cheaper and way healthier then having it surgically removed just in case. Toodles!

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