Monday, March 28, 2011

I have stage 4 breast cancer...and still smoke.

Today, I want to put something personal out there. No matter how much I talk about being completely honest with my readers, I still feel like I miss by a long shot. So today I want to talk about smoking.
  OK, so here goes. I don't know if I have mentioned that I am a cigarette, and marijuana smoker for 25 years. An average of 1 1/2 packs a day since 16. I have also considered myself a "pothead" since almost as long- in varying degrees of consumption over the years. Let's talk about it's medicinal value first.
    I am now a medical marijuana patient- it has been 1 of 2 most effective drugs for me- for the emotional side effects of cancer. (The second being the Ativan for sleeping) To be honest, marijuana does seem to help with the nausea and eating. Great for sleeping too. For me personally though- I haven't really had very bad nauseau, or eating problems though. My A/C treatment was eons ago by now- so maybe I have forgotten, OR it did make it better. (I don't want to have to find out again, sorry!) It has helped keep me calm, and a bit sedated one could say. The last couple of years for me have been very chaotic in my personal life, aside from the big "C". Some days I seriously wonder how I have held it together through all this.
  A lot of personal strength, wonderful friends and family, and a little bit of green.  MJ enables me to really just relax and brings me down a couple of notches- enough to lay in bed and watch movies and nap when I should. To shut off the thinker and not worry about all the everyday chores. To let the business stuff rest a couple extra days, if I am not well. Or to shut everything else off, and just be- be me in my own head space. I can't imagine myself going through this without. I heard it said somewhere about marijuana and cancer, that it makes you not care about it. I am still pondering this one, as there might be something to it!
   My smoking however, has increased greatly since the cancer. Doesn't cause breast cancer, but how great is the smoke? My caregiver grows beautiful, potent and very sticky herb for me. The Afgooey is so dense sometimes, I think of all that going in my lungs. I have an Iolite that I have been using recently. I like it, and could see trying to go 100% vaping. Vaporizers seem as such, that 1 is not enough! To top that off...I still can't kick smoking cigs either.
  OK, I honestly feel guilty about using can't...that I can't do. I would say it is more like won't quit, because I do love to smoke. I have been stuck in the I know I need to mode, but I still don't want to. Docs said not to stress myself out about quitting...but that was a year and a half ago. That doesn't work anymore. I have been major stressed,  but am getting back to a happy spot again. I battle myself everyday about cutting back. It works, but keyword is battle. I HATE beating myself up for stuff, and I will do it. I will get to a spot where I am ready to quit, but what about in the meantime? I have discovered that I am interested in e-cigarettes after all. They do after all, appear to be much healthier and cheaper. I think these are an item that quality will pay off, when purchasing. Ima thinking about it!
   So there you have it, true confessions for my net followers. I have stage 4 breast cancer...and still smoke. I get a little bit twitchy about this one :(


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