Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hopefully this is not my worst birthday ever!

I just want a nice peaceful birthday dinner, surrounded by the ones I love. My husband is still fighting me every step of the way. I have 2 good girlfriends that can't be in the same room together. I give! I can't make everyone else happy today. I sent a text out telling a few close people, where I have decided to go myself. If anyone else can get it together, I would love the company. I am so sad and scared that I am going to be alone, end up in tears and walk away from my dinner because I am so embarrassed over the tears. I would just stay home, but then I'll just be more miserable sitting here with my jack ass of a husband. What if this is my last birthday? How awful. I suppose I am having a bit of a pity party, but I will get over it after the day passes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you very much Dennis! I will go see if I can figure out how to ad it to my blog roll.I don't see a blog roll on my page, so I guess that is the next step is to fgure that one out!
    thanks so much for stopping by!
