Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mini meltdown

Ok, whew- what a day! Glad the 10 o'clock news is on. I had a mini meltdown today. I have had a stack of mail to go through for days. I managed to put it off yesterday, more out of sheer avoidance then anything. I truly do not usually do that, at least not so obviously! The mail pile was loaded with business, medical, social security, and receipts of course. The worst part is, I knew that the bank accounts really needed to be balanced. Nothing in the mail box of course. I had a melt down as I was kicking and screaming about tackling the mail pile. I am just at my wits end with the pile. I am just tapped- monetarily, and emotionally. The peace of mind  that I have with my medicaid kicking in is a huge relief, don't get me wrong. I am so very appreciative of that. That will keep me from going off the deep end. One step at a time and I will get through this.
   I am online looking at Cricut machines. I have wanted some sort of a website that I could make money off of four years. To sell something, but just can't ever land on what I am able to learn, and commit to. My financial position is such, that I really need to figure out how to generate income...and fast. Could I sit home all day and create stuff, and sell it online? I think so. I need to lose some of the garbage of the stress of how am I going to deal with this. That stress will kill me in the long run. So what can I do different?
  Part of the idea of this blog is also to figure out how to generate an income. I am trying to figure out google adsense. For those of you  unfamiliar, google will pay me to put ads on this blog, and they will pay me for people clicking on these ads. At least I believe that is the jist of it. I know these ads bother some readers, but it is what I need to do for me. Eventually, I would like to have a real website, that I can sell my ideas/products through. This blog will have to do for now, as a way of reaching out and seeing what is available to me. Baby steps, or I won't get anything done! Time to quit spinning my wheels and put my big girl boots on!


  1. Charmine,
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad you stumbled onto it. I'm not sure if you have a facebook page or not but you can friend me and view my list of friends to request them as well. You can also click on the links on the few blog hops I've been part of. The other designers that were in the hops have tons and tons of ideas and most of them have inspired me. If you are really considering doing some crafty stuff, these people will be and endless resource for you. They are really a great bunch of ladies:) Also, here is a link to a website to sell your homemade crafty stuff. Please go take a look. I have bought a few things from some people on here so I know it works.
    Also, please visit and They are two top ladies that I follow. I believe they are both stay at home moms and they may have some tips for you. I'm a follower of your blog now just so I can check in and see how you're doing. I wish you tons of success! You can do anything you put your mind to. By the way, it's ok to have a mini meltdown...just as long as you pick yourself up, brush off and darn it, get on that Harley and Ride, Ride, Ride!

    Cricut Chick

  2. Thank you very much Cricut Chick for taking the time to respond to me! From what I have seen about blogs, (and my own interest level), a blog seems like the best place for me to start trying to pull it all together. I love what the cricut does, and it might be a little bit easier to tap into my imagination. Take the difficulty of trying to draw something away. Can you recommend a blog that has a lot of info about purchasing Cricut products, maybe geared towards beginners? I'm still not convinced that putting a big purchase my credit card is the best idea now, even though I have over $1000 worth of stuff on my wish list on the homeshopping network! Cricut Imagine, plus 5 other items that look like they would be startup neccesities. It really sucks to go spend a bunch of moolah to start learning a project, only to discover that you don't really have enough to feed the imagination. I either go spend more $, or get frustrated and the project just sits for lack of money. So I would love some opinions on a good basic setup. I really want the Imagine- if I am going to do this, might as well get the one that does the most! My funds are just getting tighter and tighter, so I am trying to figure out how to best use my remaining resources, to pull myself out of this mess. Have a great Christmas!
